Here is an introduction to the KAIRUA app and an easy step by step instructional video on how to use it.
Enjoy stepping into your super-self Relations.


Is a global movement of positive change. We support and encourage others to be confident and loving leaders.

Ka huri to whakāro, ka huri te ao.
Change your thinking, change the world.

We embrace all who want to make a positive difference in their life and in the world.

We enhance each other's confidence and skill bases through live knowledge sharing.

We empower all to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Heru & Hapū Māmā

Heru & Hapū Māmā is a Māori led personal development program designed to educate, uplift and entertain pregnant woman on their journey to decreasing tobacco harm. If you are wanting to kick the habit of smoking during your pregnancy this is the program for you. It is spread out over three DIGI-WĀ (digital wānanga). Māori practitioners from around Aotearoa share knowledge and their lives experiences to support you in yours.

If you would like to partake in the project send through an email to Kia kaha Relations

Kairua Karakia

Tuia te Wairua
Tuia te tinana
Kia hono te herenga tangata
Kia hono ki te kairua

Embrace the spirit
Embrace the body
Join and connect the people
Partake in KaiRua


m: PO Box 4080, Hamilton East
p: 022 074 07431